We arrived in Frankadua this morning exactly on time at 10 am. For those of you who have been to Africa, you know what a miracle that is! Reverend Grace welcomed us and got us settled in their newly built cafeteria/all-purpose room. It was so nice :)
Since the girls were on school break, many of them had to travel to get there. Some came the night before, some that morning. In all, we had nearly 50 girls, 3 boys, and around 10 instructors.
Starting with "princess" nametags that the girls decorated, we welcomed the young ladies. When they introduced themselves as Princess _________, their faces lit up in beautiful smiles. Andrea taught them Sing Sing Sing and they taught us There's No One like Jesus.
At lunch, we sat with the girls. They told us about themselves. It was a precious time.
Our time today was shortened by several hours to avoid night travel. So we promptly began the teaching time with the four parts of the necklace we had for them:
Chain: in Christ we are freed from slavery.
Sand vial: God's thoughts about you outnumber all the sand.
Crown w/ "diamond": You have priceless inner worth.
Pink Pearl: You are God's pearl of great price and He wants to be yours.
They loved knowing that they are precious to God and there is freedom in Christ. A number of girls were especially touched by Psalm 27:10--Even if my father and mother abandon me, the lord will hold me close.
On from there to the "Masterpiece Snap" and a crazy fun dance Allison taught them.
Next, we washed the feet of every girl, boy, and teacher, talking with them about the love of Christ and their relationship with Him. We prayed with them, then sent them to decorate flip flops with ribbon and flowers.
We also gave each person a purple Individually Designed tote bag, an NLT Bible, a set of cards with scripture from the day, and a God Box.
Finally, gathered in a huge circle we sang He's Got the Whole world in His Hands. Goodbyes were bittersweet as we hugged and took some last minute pictures.
Such precious girls who all needed to know how beautiful they are to their heavenly Father and to us.
Our hearts are already pulling us to go back. So many sweet faces crowd my mind. Reverend Grace and all the instructors are an amazing blessing to the girls. Please continue to pray for the girls as some graduate later this month and embark on a new part of God's plan for them. Others will continue their schooling, and new girls will begin as well. I hope to be able to communicate with them by email.
Thanks to everyone who supported this day in prayer and with sponsorships. The girls know that you have been praying and that they have special notes from many of you in their God Boxes.
Personal notes:
Judy says Hi!
Alicia says Love you Scott, Jordan, and Jonathan.
Sending love to all,
Alicia and whole Ghana team :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Road to Accra
Thank you for posting about your day with these precious girls!! I have been praying and am excited to hear about the mutual tenderness that the Lord created in all of your hearts toward each other. Love you guys!!!