Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lavonna's notes

Everyday here in Ghana has had adventure, education, spiritual impact, and fellowship with an amazing team.

I knew a few folks on one team very well, a few I knew cordially, and a few I didn't know at all. All of these people have come together for one purpose, and we have all become very close.

I already have so many wonderful stories to tell -and get so little time right now to tell them. This is our last day in northern Ghana, where today we will be dedicating another water well and doing a medical clinic. And the joy! Wow! To see the faces of these people when the water flows from the well is hard to put words to.

With 324 pairs of reading glasses (donated by Don Kerr) we distributed a number of pairs in all the villages, including the chiefs and Apostle Odai's wife! The look on their faces when they put the glasses on and were able to read words without squinting -wow!

One of my biggest blessings was yesterday in the Tanoanu village. A father with 4 children (ages 4,6,8,10) came to the clinic. During the time they came through I was at the prayer station with Alicia. We asked if we could pray for them. The father said yes. Immediately the children all bowed their heads and clasped their hands. As Alicia prayed, I snapped an overhead shot of them - it was glorious to see! I will attach the photo later.

Though I am just an ordinary person, God called me to this specific place for His specific purpose. I am overwhelmed with gratitude that my Lord has called upon me showing others how He uses an ordinary life to bring extraordinary blessing into the world!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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